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Continuous Improvement with Internal Training Sessions

| January 13, 2020 | By

IMG_6026-1Transportation is an industry that is constantly evolving. From placing orders to receiving a delivery, and everything in between, it is critical to keep up with every aspect. Learning and continued personal development is an expectation at any company. At Jarrett, it is a part of our culture that you will come into your role and continue to learn, grow and develop. Internal training is just one of the ways employees have the chance to do this.

Monthly, Jarrett hosts internal training sessions for employees to continue their education on the industry. These cover a variety of topics from International shipping to how to mitigate freight claims. These sessions are available to everyone at Jarrett and benefit each employee, as well as the business as a whole. In turn, our customers also benefit by working closely with our employees.

Many of our trainers have been in the industry for years. Some even have furthered their education, taking their expertise to the next level and sharing valuable knowledge across our team as subject matter experts.

Like most companies, new employees at Jarrett receive training when they are first hired . As time goes on, these internal training sessions serve as a way to stay up to date on different pieces of the supply chain industry. This way, everyone at Jarrett can continue to grow their knowledge on each topic. Continuous education also helps us be proactive in providing our clients with the most cutting edge supply chain strategies, operational improvements and efficiency. 

Internal Benefits 

Each internal training brings a variety of benefits and information that attendees can bring back to their team. Emily DeVincent, our Training Coordinator, knows that some people learn better outside of a group setting. Emily often plans one-on-one sessions to supplement our internal trainings. “Understanding what the different departments do is important in being able to support one another,” DeVincent said. “You don’t want only one person on the team to have all the answers. Having internal trainings means that anyone who gets a phone call is able to handle it, instead of having to pass it off.”

Internally, training sessions provide better communication amongst departments. With so many moving parts and teams, people develop different best practices. Training sessions give employees an opportunity to share those best practices and may even come to find that what is working well for one team, may work well for another.IMG_6112

Jason Moore, Brokerage Manager, hosted a training session on Truckload in May. This training session touched on a variety of topics so that employees could understand exactly how TL is distinct from LTL. “Truckload is a different animal,” Moore commented. “There are many things to consider, so it stems a lot of questions with the trainings. Whoever is talking with the customer has to ask the right questions, so we make sure they know what questions to ask.” 

The training sessions are an avenue to share best practices. We have many experts here in different facets of the transportation industry. When those experts get in front of the company, everyone else gains a greater understanding of what everyone is doing and how they do it. It gets the up-to-date information and expertise in one place so employees can absorb it, take it back to their team and apply it to what they’re doing.

Client Benefits

These training sessions not only impact us internally, but improve our client experience. Jessie Renner, Lead Claims Analyst, highlights one of the most beneficial training sessions she has been to, Diverted Savings Training. “Attending that training allowed us to figure out a way to work together and better serve customers. That would not have come to light if we weren’t included in the company trainings.” Overall, the goal of the internal training sessions is to equip everyone to handle situations with both customers and carriers.

Renner has personally found both giving and attending trainings to be beneficial. Facilitators often find that great questions, informative discussions and clarity are a result of hosting training sessions and that every attendee leaves with a better understanding than they had before. “I have found all of them helpful in one way, shape or form,” Renner said. “It puts everyone on the same page. That way, we aren’t contradicting ourselves. It shows consistency, and in consistency, you earn trust.”

IMG_6961-2-1The newest training opportunity offered is “Exceptional Customer Care” training. We conduct these trainings in partnership with The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute in Wooster. These sessions will teach each department how we can create a great client experience for every unique customer.

 While the goal of these training sessions is to educate our people, the real benefit comes when our customers can talk on the phone to real industry experts, not routine customer service operators. As the industry and Jarrett evolve, we are committed to cultivating even more expertise and knowledge. We are committed to continual learning as a way to stay on top of the logistics industry and disperse that teaching throughout the company. We want our customers to rely on us as not only a third party logistics provider, but as subject matter experts and an extension of their business.


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