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Jarrett Newsroom


Posted by Jarrett on Dec 7, 2021 2:30:00 PM

employee spotlight DrewWorth-04

At Jarrett, the difference is OUR PEOPLE. Our employees are the foundation of our award-winning workplace culture and excellent customer service. We are proud to have these people as a part of our Logistics, Warehousing and Fleet Services team.


We'd like to introduce you to Drew Worth, Logistics Coordinator for Jarrett. Read Drew's answers to the questions below to find out more about him!


How long have you been at Jarrett?

I have been at Jarrett for over four years.  


What is the best part of working in your department?

My team members, and quad in general, is full of great people to work with.


Favorite memory at Jarrett so far?

Getting Matt Angell to help pull a prank on a coworker and make them think we got a Jeans Day, then having Rob C come over and pretend to write him up. Or when I first started my team wasn't sure what to have me do to train, so on my second day at Jarrett I booked an expedite.


What is your favorite quote?

"One day, perhaps, you will see for yourself that regrets are as nothing. The value lies in how they are answered." House of Chains by Steven Erikson


Which employee perk that Jarrett offers do you enjoy the most? Why?

Honestly? Probably the Swenson's truck. I just really like food. My teammates can attest to that.


Who has been a mentor for you here at Jarrett? How have they helped you?

Picking one is hard. John Rose has done so much to help me grow professionally. Micah Palitto helped me get settled in when I first started and was on the after hours shift. And Chris Bowman has been an invaluable source of knowledge whenever I have a question on something related to the industry as a whole.


What would you name the autobiography of your life?

I haven't done anything near noteworthy enough to merit an autobiography (yet), but maybe something like "I Thought You Said I'd Get Taller"


If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

This may be cheating, but I'd like to learn how to speak every language.


How is Jarrett “different”? (Compared to other company cultures you may have experienced)

Prior to this I had only worked in theatre, which is an entirely different experience. I can't really speak to how it's company culture differs, as this is the only true "company" I've worked for. I can say for sure the hours here are better.


How is Jarrett “different”? (Compared to other competitive, similar services)

Our emphasis on customer service definitely sets us apart. I've spoken to many vendors who work with other 3PLs and they're always impressed with how responsive and proactive we are.


Ask a co-worker: What difference does PERSON make at Jarrett/PackShip?

"Drew Worth is a great teammate. He is always willing to jump in to help his coworkers. His customer service skills have helped to grow Jarrett's contracted PCC locations. He is excited to learn new strategies to help his customers. His attitude and jokes help CAT7 laugh every day."


Name a time you felt valued or appreciated by someone at the company or by a customer.

A client sent over an email asking a vendor to get us shipment information for an urgent order, which is not unusual for them. I responded in around 2-3 minutes and assured the client I would get an option to deliver it on time. After I got it all set up and scheduled I let the client and vendor know, and I received a lovely email from the client thanking me for all of the work I do and how they've come to rely on me. As a 3PL we don't always get messages like that, and it absolutely made my day.


We are grateful to have Drew here at Jarrett. If you are interested in being a part of our team, visit our careers page.

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