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Jarrett Logistics Systems Receives Cascade Capital's Business Growth Award For The Ninth Time

| April 12, 2013 | By

Trucks Driving on Highway at SunsetORRVILLE, Ohio – Jarrett Logistics Systems (JLS), a third-party logistics company specializing in supply chain management services for high growth North American companies, is a recipient of Cascade Capital’s Business Growth Award for the ninth time.

Compiled by Cascade Capital Corporation, a company may earn a Business Growth Award by either increasing its sales level by 100 percent or at least $5 million over a five-year period or increasing employee numbers by 50 percent or at least 25 people over the same time frame. To qualify, the company must be located within Summit, Medina, Stark, Portage, Wayne, Ashland or Holmes counties. An awards banquet was held at the John S. Knight Center in Akron on October 10th. All winners were profiled in the October issue of Smart Magazine and at www.sbnonline.com.