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November 2020 National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) Freight Class Update

| December 17, 2020 | By

These changes are coming from the latest NMFTA Supplement-2020-3


Significant NMFTA Class Changes in Effect

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GROUP: subject to item 60500

Summary of Changes:

Item 61270 is canceled with reference to item 61700. Note, item 61701 is amended to clarify that item 61700 applies on “Battery Chargers, including Cell Phone Chargers.” Package 2246 is canceled as having no further application.

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FURNITURE GROUP: subject to item 79000

Summary of Changes: Item 80240 is amended to apply on metal or wood filing cabinets, NOI, with classes predicated on density breaks at 6 and 12 pcf. Items 79220, 80250 and 80270 are canceled with reference to item 80240. Note, item 80276 is canceled with no further application. Packages 60F, 83F, 96F, 99F and 112F are canceled as obsolete.

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Summary of Changes: Item 35350 is amended to provide for exterior shades, shutters or blinds, regardless of material construction, with classes based on greatest dimension and density. Items 35343, 37110, 37120 and 37550 are canceled with reference to item 35350, and the listing for exterior shutters is removed from item 34500. Item 35500 is amended to provide for foundation ventilators, regardless of material construction, with classes based on a density break at 7 pcf. As modified, “NOI” is added to the description of item 35500.


Item 34830 is amended to provide classes based on greatest dimension and density. Furthermore, the description of item 34830 is amended for clarification by adding reference to construction joints or seals

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Additional Changes in Effect


Summary of Changes:

Items 96740, 106340 and 106840 are canceled with reference to new item 161130, which, as modified, names “Posts or Poles, sign, or Sections thereof, NOI, with or without bases; Sign Post or Pole Bases, NOI; or Sign Brackets.” The item assigns classes predicated on greatest dimension and density. New Note, item 161131 is established to clarify the application of the new item. New Note, item 161132 is established to provide additional packaging requirements. Item 156641 is amended to read, “Bases, sign post or pole, solid rubber,” while concurrently assigning class 65, and requiring shipment “in packages.” The description of item 104880 is concurrently amended to reference channel iron sign “poles” for uniformity, and new Note, item 104881 is established to clarify the application of item 104880. The description of item 22060 is amended to read, “Bases, flagpole, concrete, with or without metal fittings.” Item 75895 is canceled with reference to item 75925, and Notes, items 75897, 106341 and 106342 are canceled with no further application

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CHEMICALS GROUP: subject to item 42600

Summary of Changes: Item 44210 is canceled as obsolete.

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Package 2050—Cancel; No further application.

In boxes made of expanded beads or granules of polystyrene compressed and formed into a solid material having a minimum density of 1.5 pounds per cubic foot. Boxes shall be so molded as to provide a form-fitting cavity for the switchboard parts they contain and shall provide a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch between such parts and outside of box. Box must have a sleeve, full length of box, made of corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 125 pounds. The sleeve must be held in place by means of gummed paper tape not less than 3 inches in width. Gross weight not to exceed 20 pounds.

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Package 2535-- Cancel; No further application.

ARTICLES: Electrical controllers may be shipped palletized with vertical corner posts and honeycomb pads positioned and maintained with stretch wrap plastic film.(2) EXTERIOR PACKAGING: Article must be secured to a two-way entry wood pallet, meeting all requirements set forth in Item 265, with a minimum of three carriage bolts.(3) INTERIOR PACKAGING: (a) A minimum of three honeycomb pads having a thickness of not less than 8 inches must be secured to article. (i) One pad must be placed on top edge of the front of article, and another must be placed on top edge of the rear. (ii) Additional pad(s) must be placed on front or rear of article to protect handles and as space permits. (b) Full-height L-shaped fiberboard corner posts must be positioned at each vertical corner of article. Corner posts must extend 3 inches in each direction. (4) PLASTIC FILM REQUIREMENTS: (a) Article must be wrapped in plastic film prior to application of pads and corner posts. (b) Entire article must then be wrapped in another layer of plastic film to secure pads and corner posts in place. (5) MARKINGS: 'Strap the Unit Top and Bottom to Trailer Wall,' 'Do Not Nail Pallet to Trailer Floor,' 'Top Heavy' and other precautionary markings, as applicable, must be on at least two sides of the packaged article.

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Package 2246-- Cancel; No further application.

SHIPPING CONTAINER: Article mounted on a base and shrouded with a half-slotted container. Body-Inverted Half-Slotted Container (HSC) of corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 275 pounds. Interior Forms-Doublewall corrugated fiberboard pads or forms testing 200 pounds must protect control panel area or control apparatus providing for padding or a clearance of not less than 1/2 inch. Base-Article must be securely mounted on either wooden skids or pallet. Container body must be secured in place by stapling or banding.

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Package 60F-- Cancel; obsolete

In fiber boxes complying with provisions of Item 222 for boxes testing not less than 275 pounds, except gross weight may be increased to not exceed 220 pounds and dimensions may be increased to not exceed 130 united inches. Not less than 11/2 inch clearance must be maintained on top and bottom by pads full dimensions of top and bottom of container, and not less than 1/2 inch clearance must be maintained between all other parts of article and container by L shaped forms full height of article in all four corners. Pads and forms must be made of singlewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 125 pounds.

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Package 83F-- Cancel; obsolete

In fiber boxes complying with provisions of Item 222 for boxes testing not less than 350 pounds, except gross weight may be increased to not exceed 325 pounds and dimensions may be increased to not exceed 110 united inches. Not less than 11/2 inch clearance must be maintained on top and bottom by 275 pound test doublewall board, full dimensions of top and bottom of container. Bottom pad must be reinforced by two 5/8 x 3 inches wood runners, one runner secured to each side of the bottom pad. Not less than 5/8 inch clearance must be maintained between all other parts of article and container by L-shaped forms, full height of article, in all four corners. Drawers having two handles side by side must be reinforced by additional full-height form, constructed to maintain same clearance as front corner posts. Unless otherwise indicated, forms must be made of singlewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 125 pounds. Finished surfaces of article in contact with interior packing forms must be protected by nonabrasive material.

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Package 96F-- Cancel; obsolete.

In container made of singlewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 200 pounds, gross weight not exceeding 90 pounds, dimensions not exceeding 85 united inches. Container must have regular slotted top; must have bottom flanges or flaps not less than 3 inches wide and must cover top and all four sides of article. Not less than 2 inch clearance must be maintained on all sides of article by pyramid shaped top and bottom caps constructed of scored and folded singlewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 200 pounds. These pyramid shaped forms must have a depth of at least 21/2 inches and base of pyramid must measure not less than 2 inches larger than top. Clearance of not less than 1/2 inch must be maintained on top and bottom by built-up corrugated fiberboard strips, the corrugating medium complying with Item 222, not less than 2 inches wide securely fastened to inside of caps. Drawer handles must be protected by singlewall corrugated fiberboard trays not less than 2 inches in depth testing not less than 200 pounds. Finished surfaces in contact with interior forms must be protected with nonabrasive material. Fiberboard of container and pyramid caps must comply with Item 222. Top flaps must be glued in accordance with Item 222, and bottom flanges of container must be securely glued to bottom cap throughout entire area of contact.

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Package 99F-- Cancel; obsolete.

In fiber boxes complying with the provisions of Item 222 for boxes testing not less than 275 pounds, except gross weight may be increased to not exceed 220 pounds and dimensions may be increased to not exceed 130 united inches. Not less than 3/4 inch clearance must be maintained on top and bottom by corner pads, and not less than 1/2 inch clearance must be maintained between all other parts of article and container by the corner and spacer pads. Pads and forms must be made of singlewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 125 pounds.

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Package 112F-- Cancel; obsolete.

Filing cabinets with solid walls made of not less than 20 gauge steel in singlewall corrugated fiberboard boxes, complying with all requirements of Item 222 for boxes testing not less than 275 pounds, except that dimensions may be increased to not exceeding 120 united inches and gross weight may be increased to not exceeding 200 pounds; when box tests not less than 350 pounds, dimensions may be increased to not exceeding 140 united inches and gross weight may be increased to not exceeding 260 pounds. Not less than 3/4 inch clearance must be maintained between all parts of article and inner walls of box by L shaped corner posts full height of container and top and bottom pads all made of doublewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 200 pounds or when cabinets have casters articles must be suspended on forms made of doublewall corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 275 pounds.

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Package 2148-- Cancel; obsolete.

Palletized in full-height die-cut corrugated fiberboard trays testing not less than 200 pounds, scored, folded and formed to provide cushioning on ends of tray and a double thickness of corrugated fiberboard on all sides. Lens must be packed upright in rows separated by die-cut partitions of corrugated fiberboard testing not less than 200 pounds. All corrugated fiberboard must meet the requirements of Item 222, Secs. 2 and 3. Pallet must be of double-face construction using sound hardwoods with 4 x 4 blocks separating two flat surfaces. Not more than 84 trays mounted on wooden pallet securely fastened by five metal straps. Top of pallet package must be protected by a corrugated fiberboard sheet testing not less than 200 pounds.

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