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2024 Jarrett Supply Chain Summit Schedule

Handing Over a Ticket at an Event Registration
7:30 a.m.

Registration and networking. Private tours of the Jarrett Routing Center are available.

8:30 a.m.
Welcome from Jarrett, Agenda Review

Jarrett CEO Mike Jarrett will introduce the summit and go over the schedule of events.

Transport Delivery in motion
8:45 a.m.
The State of Transportation Address
Satish Jindel will talk through the current state of the economy, the influencing factors that got us to this point and what he expects to see in the near future, as well as the impact this has on supply chain management and transportation. 
Inner truck
9:30 a.m.
Securing the Road: Combating Theft and Fraud in the Trucking Industry
Jarrett Cargo Claims and Risk Manager Jessica Renner and CargoNet's Keith Lewis will present on identifying and preventing cargo theft and fraud in your supply chain.
SCS Blog Banner
10:00 a.m.
Networking Break
10:15 a.m.
Innovation Corner: Tomorrow's Supply Chain is Here Today | Session 1
Lance Healy, CEO of FreightFacts, will kick off the Innovation Corner with shipper scorecards and why they matter. Lizz Harrell, SVP of customer success at Parade, will follow with best practices and smart decisions for AI in supply chain.
SCS Blog Banner
10:45 a.m.
Networking Break
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11:15 a.m.
Supply Chain Leadership in Sustainability
Supply chain leaders discuss past, present and future sustainability initiatives from the Shipper, Carrier and 3PL perspectives.
Woman taking food from a buffet line
12:00 p.m.
Lunch Break and Networking
Audience Engaged in Focused Attention at a Professional Conference Event
1:00 p.m.
Transportation Executive Panel Discussion
Supply chain executives from Executive VP, Sales, at Kenan Advantage Group North America Gray Silva to Sr. Director of Logistics at Post Consumer Brands Kim Schultz will discuss major modes of transportation represented in a panel discussion format to discuss current market news/updates/challenges within each segment along with forward-thinking opportunities that will be imperative to future success.
A close up shot of an engineer using a tablet to check and analyze the data systems
2:00 p.m.
Driving Supply Chain Efficiency with Integrated Solutions

Panelists will discuss real-life results of how shippers have increased supply chain efficiency by leveraging integrated solutions through warehousing, order fulfillment, transportation management, technology and analytics.

Global Commerce
2:45 p.m.
Innovation Corner: Tomorrow's Supply Chain is Here Today | Session 2
Shiplify CEO Blanton Winship, Sr. will present on invoicing with confidence. Then, Eric Krueger, CEO of Navix, will discuss how to be smart about your invoicing.
Dan Jansen
3:15 p.m.
Keynote Speaker | Dan Jansen
This year's keynote speaker, Dan Jansen, will share his compelling story of triumph over tragedy, emphasizing the importance of resilience and persistence. His journey inspires people worldwide to overcome obstacles and view setbacks as stepping stones to greater success.